• Miss Tiina
  • Posts
  • Bloomified – new spring collection – win it

Bloomified – new spring collection – win it

My new spring collection “Bloomified” is now available in my shop & one lucky person will win the whole 8 pack CU set!

How to enter…

Become a fan of MissTiina.com on Facebook and post the following:

@misstiina.com is giving away her new Bloomified collection! I would LOVE to win, wouldn’t you!? http://misstiina.com/blog

If you are already a Facebook “liker”, simply post the line of text on your Facebook page.You must leave a note on THIS post linking to your Facebook profile page.Don’t have Facebook? Simply leave a note on THIS post and tell me what you would do with my collection if you win!

Contest closes on Sunday February 20th at 11:59pm EST.1 entry per person please.The winner will be randomly drawn and be contacted by email within 24 hours of the closing time. The winner will receive a coupon to grab the collection from my shop.Thanks and good luck!!If my Facebook fan page reaches 1500+ “likes” by the closing time, I will give my new collection away to FIVE lucky people!!!